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What is an ACTIVIST doing with LOVE?

Activism is caring enough about a problem to actually do something about it; considering yourself an active participant and not just a bystander will bring you in terms with the fact that Love is an Action word

This isn’t solely about crises, massacres and genocides. It is about a determined will to exist and impact a society growing more grim and darker by the hours but taking up the struggle against these ills for the sake of LOVE, for EACH OTHER, for FAMILY, for ONENESS…because at the end of the day, it is not only about the LOVE, but about the OTHER THINGS.

Forasmuch as season of love is upon us and as we are looking forward to celebrating what to us is love based on dynamics, we cannot help but reminisce on the good, the bad, and everything in-between that makes us so in love with our significant other.

Good news; on the 14th of February, “Love and Other Things” the E.P (Extended Playlist) of 6 poems that celebrates the season will be showcased alongside a band of live music, guest performers, couple’s games, special recognitions and cash prizes to be won by everyone. Yay!

More good news is; this E.P will be launched and dramatized at the Buea Shopping Mall, W-Cinema hall on Valentine’s Day of course in celebration of LOVE in a 1hr30mins show starting at 5 p.m prompt.

Tickets are available for grabs at +(237) 673606607 or +(237) 683557781
Standard: 5000frs
Couples’ table for 2: 15000frs (comes with goodies)
Just 100 seats are available. You snooze, you lose.

Dress-code: Sexy in Red.

Happy New year!

  • Date : February 14, 2024
  • Time : 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (UTC+1)
  • Venue : Buea Shopping Mall, W-Cinema hall