To celebrate its two years anniversary and following the recommendations of the New Africa – France summit which was held in 2021, The Conseil Nouveau Sommet Afrique France in collaboration with Institut française du Cameroun, Ambassade de France au Cameroun and Patrie ART launched a National Artistic Competition in June 2024.
This competition was launched under the theme “La Coopération Cameroun – France”. It saw the participation of over 300+ artists from different regions of Cameroon.
In a 3 minutes slam video titled ‘New Era’, Penboy explored the historical evolution of Cameroon – France relationship while inviting all relevant actors; young and old, high and middle class, governments and civil societies to thrive for a sustainable future by contributing in the building of a mutual relationship/partnership between both nations or continents (Africa – Europe)
Penboy’s victory isn’t just a personal win but a win for the entire English speaking Community of Cameroon as it will bring about not just the representation but also the participation of English speaking Cameroonians in matters that have to do with Strengthening Franco-Cameroon relationships.
Watch Penboy’s submission here;